getUserId()." WHERE id = $id"; $deleteMess = new dbInterface($DB_NAME, $DB_USER, $DB_PASS, $deleteQuery); header("Location: $url\n\n"); exit; } if ($t_title == "") { $errNum = 1; $errMsg .= "You must have a name for your topic.
"; } if ($t_desc == "") { $errNum = 1; $errMsg .= "You must say what the topic is about. If you don't know... how will others?
"; } if ($errNum) { $type = "topic"; } else { if ($parent_id != "") { $topicInsertQuery = "INSERT INTO spud_board (id, title, message, user_id, parent_id, show_message, post_time) VALUES (0, '$t_title', '$t_desc', ".$privs->getUserId().", ".$parent_id.", 1, NOW())"; } else { $topicInsertQuery = "INSERT INTO spud_board (id, title, message, user_id, show_message, post_time) VALUES (0, '$t_title', '$t_desc', ".$privs->getUserId().", 1, NOW())"; } $topicInsert = new dbInterface($DB_NAME, $DB_USER, $DB_PASS, $topicInsertQuery); } header("Location: $url\n\n"); exit; ?>